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Rizvan city

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Adria Velebitica Welcome to Rizvan city image

Welcome to Rizvan city


About us

A small place for a big and unforgettable adventure

The tourist agency Adria Velebitica has designed for you attractive adrenaline and adventure programs that you can experience in the beautiful areas of Velebit and Lika, and in our Adventure and Excursion Center Rizvan City…

Adventure and excursion center Rizvan City is located in Lika, the heart of Croatia, not far from the town of Gospić, in the small typical Lika village of Rizvanuša, which is located in the Velebit Nature Park. We turned an old family farm into an adventure-excursion center where we offer groups a multitude of unique and attractive adventure activities.

Adria Velebitica
Adria Velebitica
Adria Velebitica
Adria Velebitica
Adria Velebitica
Adria Velebitica
Adria Velebitica
Adria Velebitica
Adria Velebitica
Adria Velebitica
Adria Velebitica
Adria Velebitica
Adria Velebitica
Adria Velebitica


Adria Velebitica


Praise itself, everything was wonderful, we are full of impressions, everything was super organized, nice and helpful employees, everything was excellent…

Adria Velebitica


The reactions in the office are great, everyone is very satisfied, the food is great and I will definitely come back…

Adria Velebitica


I’m sure you drank a large amount of potion yesterday if you wouldn’t have stopped the šbeating; we didn’t have enough for the whole working day, so we had to stay after working hours just because of the beautiful Velebit and your wonderful team!

Adria Velebitica


We were at your place for team building this Sunday and there is no end to our excitement. Guys, you should be cloned and one copy of each should be submitted to our Minister of Tourism. It’s hard to say which was better – the food, the service or your warm hospitality. All for a clean five. And we’ll see you again next year, for sure… Thank you very much for everything.

Adria Velebitica


Five days have passed since then, and Rizvan is still being talked about in our halls and rooms. There is no end to admiration, praise too. Some got rid of their fear of heights, others went back to their childhood playing war, and still others (like me) talk all the time about the great ghoul. We are all under the impression of the fresh Lika air (from which we from Zagreb got sick because we are not used to smog-free air :-)).

Adria Velebitica


Colleagues are simply delighted! From your care for them, through all the services, through the games in your center, food, kindness, karaoke… everything was really great for them!

Adria Velebitica


Also još Once again, a big THANK YOU to the Rizvan team for the organization of Terambuilding, especially Matia for the exceptional effort, we had a great time, I hope to see you on another occasion.

Marija Kereš Štour

Adria Velebitica


Everything went great, we were even lucky with the weather. The guys were really great, the food, accommodation and program were excellent!! Thank you all for your efforts, this was onš the first team building and it fulfilled all our expectations.  We look forward to returning in the summer to try the other activities you have to offer. 

A nice greeting, 

Eva 🙂

Adria Velebitica


Svi se sretno vratili kućama. Ekipa je zadovoljna prepričavaju se dojmovi, skupljaju slike, neki kukaju od bolova neaktivnih mišića, sve pozitivno.

Ekipa koja vodi Rizvan je odlična, opuštena, uslužna,  zezancija na nivou, uz vidljivu konstantnu brigu o sigurnosti. Ne možemo naći ni jednu pritužbu ni da tražimo, hrana ukusna, obilna sve za ocjenu 5 od 5. Mislim da će Vas kolege preporučiti, ja već jesam.

Ivan Pešo

Adria Velebitica


Ukratko, ekipa je stvarno oduševljena i naveliko se još komentira što smo sve probali. Čak je i šef iz Osla toliko ostao oduševljen da me posebno pohvalio za organizaciju.

Vaši momci su bili i više nego veseli, uslužni i krajnje simpatični. Stvarno ih kao grupa moramo pohvaliti. Hvalimo vas na sav glas 😀 već sam podijelila svih 6 letaka što sam uzela.

Hvala vam na svemu, a posebno i na glatkoj komunikaciji i organizaciji s vaše strane.


Adria Velebitica


U ime tvrtke iOLAP i svih zaposlenika koji su sudjelovali u ovogodišnjem Team Buildingu, želim Vam se zahvaliti na prekrasnom druženju!

Ove godine će nam svima cijeli događaj ostati u lijepom sjećanju, najvećim dijelom radi Vas i vašeg tima

Adria Velebitica

Escape room Secret of Nikola Tesla

Escape room is a unique concept for spending free time in a closed space that develops cognitive skills, encourages creativity and promotes team spirit in a fun and educational way. The participants, mostly teams of several members, are in a themed room where they solve a series of tasks and uncover a mystery. They have […]

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